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Actionable Analytics at Scale

How to Create Value in a Connected World

Analytics aligned with day-to-day activities and user experiences designed for deep exploration or fast answers lead to informed actions and confident decision-making. This, in turn, changes the culture of an organization by holding everyone accountable for making the kind of decisions that move the business forward.

What makes analytics actionable? It’s not enough to generate reports, charts, spreadsheets, graphs, and data visualizations. The information must be immediately comprehensible and the insight derived should make it clear whether or not action should be taken. Actionable analytics also vary by each individual and his or her abilities – data scientists and business analysts are trained to explore and discover trends and insights from large data sets and make recommendations based on their observations. But not every decision-maker is as data savvy.

How do you empower non-technical folks to make more informed decisions? By providing just the data that is relevant to them, and allowing them to analyze and understand it easily. There are a variety of creative ways to do this: embed analytics in a corporate application, create a simple interactive app, send an alert, or build a personalized infographic. The most actionable analytics are the most personalized to the decision-maker’s needs. They can make observations, get insights, and take action with confidence and ease.

This paper will investigate ways to drive performance with actionable analytics. The importance of trusted data as part of an analytics strategy, the need for a modern platform to support analytics on a broad scale, and how ease of use ensures high adoption will also be discussed. Finally, real-world success stories will demonstrate the value actionable analytics can bring to any organization.



Information Builders helps organizations transform data into business value. Our software solutions for business intelligence and analytics, integration, and data integrity empower people to make smarter decisions, strengthen customer relationships, improve employee performance, and drive growth.