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Aug 20: Be the Hero! Learn how with Extreme Performance, Accuracy and Efficiency

Higher Performance…not good enough.  Go for EXTREME Performance.

We know how to make you the hero and deliver EXTREME Performance to your agency by benefiting from the unique value proposition only an integrated approach achieves.  Experience radical processing speeds, significantly faster deployments, instant visuals for in-depth analysis, and big data that’s finally manageable. How would you like to make accurate predictions, discover new insights, and immediately transform raw data to actionable information using your existing data?

Join us in Sacramento on August 20th to discover first-hand the best practices based on actual public sector customer projects and the newest innovations around in-memory technologies, Big Data, and automated data protection.

We will have a special guest at this event with Carol Bangs, Contract Administrator from the Department of General Services. Carol will give an overview of the eServer contract to learn how you can efficiently procure the solutions to make you perform at the extreme with extreme accuracy.

August 20, 2015

9:00am – 11:30am
at The California Museum in the Conference Room

1020 O Street
Sacramento, CA 95814

(Breakfast Provided)

Register Now!
Call Lisa Jensen at
310.337.4400 x222
Click here to Register


  9:00am RegistrationBreakfast Pick Up
  9:15am Welcome & Introductions
  9:20am EXTREME Performance…
accept nothing less.~ Ralf Dossmann, Oracle
Senior Product Director
10:20am Break
10:30am Your personal Crystal Ball – Big Data~ Brian Lee, Oracle
Master Principal Solution Architect
11:00am eServer Contract Overview
~ Carol Bangs, Department of General Services
Contract Administrator
Dynamic Systems designs custom solutions to address the IT infrastructure and data center challenges that can slow your business down, like server sprawl, data proliferation, interoperability, security risks and more.