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Bridging the AI Divide

Higher education stands at an inflection point, grappling with challenges like reduced budgets, declining enrollment, and staffing shortages, while also exploring powerful AI tools to forge a new way forward.

But what does this way forward look like?

In the case study, "Shrinking the AI Gap in Higher Ed: Navigating the Divide Between Faculty Fears and Student Realities," you can hear from the voices of countless higher ed admins and faculty, and learn about:

  • Administrator and faculty views around AI.
  • Real-world use cases for AI on college campuses.
  • Impacts of chatbots on student learning and success.
  • Concerns about and possibilities of AI in higher ed.
  • And more.

GenAI is here to stay, and it's time for your institution to harness its power to transform learning, empower educators, and achieve new heights in higher education.

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