A new, follow-up investigation shows that 2020 is proving to be the year that pushes AI into the mainstream of government operations.
The COVID-19 outbreak is giving new urgency to AI initiatives, according to a follow-up study by the same trio of researchers. For example, the technology is providing health departments with deeper insights into emerging coronavirus hotspots while ML automation is acting as a force multiplier for strained call centers trying to connect citizens to essential services and unemployment benefits.
In-depth interviews with CIOs and chief technology officers (CTOs) from nearly half of the states highlight the innovative ways agencies are currently using AI, ML and RPA. The research also shows how the technologies will continue to proliferate in the public sector in the months ahead, as agencies seek new opportunities to save costs while improving citizen services. But while the COVID-19 crisis may be spurring agencies to look closer at AI and related technology, the CIOs also acknowledge that lingering challenges are getting in the way of successful implementations. This report identifies the top technology, cultural, and policy roadblocks that government must address and offers guidelines for capitalizing on AI and ML during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.
We encourage you to take a look at the report and those key challenges, as each highlights how leaders like yourself are working to address them.
Learn more at: Digital Government Rising - How AI is providing new opportunities to deliver value or contact your IBM representative.