Rather than a comprehensive digital rollout, Disney had previously released piecemeal streaming and rewards solutions with little success.
Until they called Fjord.
We worked with Disney to create a seamless experience that would allow its users to redeem digital copies, purchase titles, earn rewards and stream films across multiple devices simultaneously. We also synced titles previously purchased with iTunes, Amazon and VUDU into a single app for a seamless, digital Disney movie experience.
Our device-agnostic platform became the first-of-its-kind universal digital rights management (DRM) technology called KeyChestª that allows interoperability between all major distributors — iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Instant Video, Xbox, Roku and more. This allows users to buy once and stream movies across any device, anywhere. Content is also downloadable for offline watching, and there are movie points and rewards built right in, making for a fun, exciting and seamless cinematic experience.
Within the first two weeks of launch, the projected annual sales goal was tripled. The app was downloaded 5 million times on iTunes within the first two months (earning it #1 “Best New App”), and Google Play ranked it the 2014 #2 Android App of the Year. This project also beat all FY targets set by Disney — and that was just within the first eight days it was live.
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