Watson Assistant leverages trusted information sources to understand and respond to common questions, including:
- Who are the candidates?
- How has COVID changed the voting process?
- Can I vote early?
- Can I do a mail in ballot?
- Where do I register to vote?
- When can I vote?
Working with IBM, organizations can:
- Share consistent and accurate information instantly.
- Free valuable resources by automating answers to common questions.
- Help users quickly and easily access the latest information through their channel of choice – voice or text.
- Translate US CDC guidelines into local messaging to provide accurate answers without wait times or ambiguity.

IBM can help government agencies who are responding to a myriad of urgent citizen needs during this time through offering Watson Assistant via the IBM Cloud for no charge for at least 60 days and will assist with initial setup. This offer will include:
- Unlimited capacity of Watson Assistant, Watson Assistant for Voice Interaction and Watson Discovery for no charge for at least 60 days.
- Access to pre-trained voting intents for both text and speech deployment.
- Initial set up and deployment of pre-trained intents is FREE.
- FREE access to experts for first 60 days via Expertise Connect.
- Pre-approved, discounted pricing for up to 12 additional months after no charge period ends.
- IBM experts are available to provide additional customization for a fee.
Learn more at: ibm.com/watson/covid-response or contact your IBM representative