The new IDC report, Worldwide Artificial Intelligence Market Shares, 2018 (full report available here), finds that the worldwide AI market grew 35.6% to $28.1 billion last year as a result of announcements, initiatives and acquisitions. IBM’s 9.2% was the lion’s share of the overall market.
The ladder to AI
“As the AI market moves from experimentation to production, we're helping businesses integrate AI with their applications to make more accurate predictions, automate decisions and processes, and free up employees' time so they can focus on higher value work," said Beth Smith, General Manager, IBM Watson AI.
What sets IBM apart?
Information architecture
The data environment in many government agencies is vast and complex with data assets in silos that can’t communicate with each other. And without a solid information architecture preparing that data for analysis, AI initiatives face real roadblocks. As reported by IDC, IBM has made a critical commitment to information architecture with the launch of IBM Cloud Pak™ for Data. This Cloud Pak, aided with data virtualization, helps modernize the whole data estate to manage and ready data assets for AI—without moving them.
Trust and transparency
Both citizens and government IT leaders have valid concerns about data privacy and often are skeptical about the accuracy, any bias, data quality, integrity and fairness of AI models. The IDC AI report cites IBM’s announcement of Watson OpenScale to address bias detection and maintain trust and transparency in AI.
AI anywhere
As highlighted by IDC, in 2018, IBM AI applications brought to market a line of Watson solutions pretrained to a range of industries and professions. And with IBM’s recent acquisition of Red Hat Open Shift, Watson anywhere becomes reality. IBM Cloud Pak for Data on Red Hat OpenShift allows Watson microservices to run on a variety of environments from IBM cloud, to any public, hybrid, or multi-cloud environment.
Artificial intelligence is a revolutionary technology that will change the way government agencies service citizens, enhance operational efficiencies, and improve public health and safety.
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