LA Assessor Relies on Oracle Cloud for Modernization Effort

The LA County Office of the Assessor has successfully transitioned from a mainframe architecture and “green screen” technology to Oracle public cloud.

Most state and local government agencies realize that it’s time consolidate their on-premises data centers and begin to migrate workloads to the cloud. But for many government agencies, figuring out how to get started in figuring out which workloads are right for cloud isn’t as simple as launching an app on your phone. 

Tune into this on-demand webinar  “Tinseltown Turns to Cloud” to hear from Steven Hernandez, Assistant Assessor; and Scott Thornberry, Director of Operations; LA County Office of the Assessor, as they detail their experiences in moving to the cloud. Their business objective: to manage the state of California’s unique property assessment requirements needed to address legislative limits on property taxes for both homes and businesses. 

Replay the webinar.

Learn why Oracle cloud is the only cloud for California. 


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Oracle Government and Education offers agencies a blueprint for total IT modernization through the flexibility and cost savings of a broad portfolio of cloud solutions. We help government agencies at every level adapt to change and deliver smart, connected, and secure solutions.