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Legacy to Modern: Replacing Legacy Identity at PG&E

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is one of the largest combined natural gas and electric energy companies in the United States. With over 50 thousand employees and contractors operating in a heavily regulated industry, PG&E’s identity security program truly does it all, covering a vast number of identity governance and administration use cases.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is one of the largest combined natural gas and electric energy companies in the United States. With over 50 thousand employees and contractors operating in a heavily regulated industry, PG&E’s identity security program truly does it all, covering a vast number of identity governance and administration use cases. 

Driven by challenges that included high development costs, poor user experience, and performance issues from their legacy identity implementation, PG&E sought out to replace their incumbent solutions with something more modern, flexible, and innovative. Over only an eleven-month timeframe, PG&E was able to successfully replace a very large and complex Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) implementation and other tools with SailPoint’s Identity Security Platform, built on AI and machine learning. The PG&E team worked very closely with Integral Partners to help them unwind and replace OIM. 

PG&E achieved many benefits with the replacement, some of which include a simplified access review process, faster performance overall, and new password functionality that immediately produced cost savings for the organization. And it was a big win for PG&E to shrink their technology portfolio and replace failed tools. 

In the webinar below, you’ll hear from Leslie DeAnda, Manager of Cybersecurity Services at PG&E, who will discuss the challenges they faced, compliance and regulatory concerns, their keys to success, the benefits they’ve seen since go-live, and the lessons learned along the way.  

Details include: 

  • Business challenges and goals 
  • Key project requirements (NERC/CIP, integrations, workflows, certification) 
  • 165,000 identities / 400+ requirements 
  • A phased go-live strategy with 75 apps in production 
  • Benefits of SailPoint’s Identity Security Platform 
  • Artificial intelligence and role definition 
  • $450k in savings 

View the Webinar

SailPoint equips government agencies to seamlessly manage and secure access to applications and data through the lens of identity – at speed and scale. As a category leader, we continuously reinvent identity security as the foundation of a secure agency. SailPoint delivers a unified, intelligent, extensible platform built to defend against today’s dynamic, identity-centric cyber threats while enhancing productivity and efficiency. SailPoint helps many of the world’s most complex, sophisticated government agencies create a secure technology ecosystem that fuels transformation.