Modern Desktop Deployment Engagement

Planet’s Modern Desktop Deployment is an effective way to transition your traditional on-premises desktop management approach to a cloud-first model.

Support for Windows 7 is ending in January of 2020, prompting many to upgrade in the last few months of this year to avoid unnecessary security risks and additional support costs. If reading these words causes you angst, rest assured that Planet Technologies' Modern Desktop Deployment engagement is available as a step-by-step guided transition from your traditional on-premises focused desktop management approach to an upgraded cloud-first model.

Transitioning to a cloud-first model presents a unique opportunity to upgrade and modernize essential components of your infrastructure, as conventional approaches to desktop management are no longer adequate for the new digital workplace. The new model allows you to seamlessly integrate and manage your mobile computers and satellite offices without the traditional limitations of wide-area network speeds or VPN connections.

Planet is working with State of California agencies to meet each organization's goals and initiatives regardless of their desktop computer landscape. Environments that are heavily deployed as desktop towers, laptops, and those making the transition to a mobile workforce can all take advantage of Microsoft's Modern Desktop approach for a streamlined desktop management experience.Transformation in end-user computing is inevitable, and Planet’s Modern Desktop Deployment engagement offers discovery, learning sessions, and white-glove implementation of the three pillars of a modern desktop management ecosystem.

A cloud-first model for devices, security, data, collaboration, and applications must be seamlessly integrated to maximize efficiency and productivity for your employees. Windows 10 and Office 365 ProPlus deployments are made increasingly flexible and efficient with the adoption and integration of these technologies.

For more information contact Jennifer Dodd at 

Planet Technologies, the leading Microsoft services and cloud solutions partner, provides integration and customization of Microsoft technologies and data center solutions for federal, state and local government and commercial clients.