Photos: Deloitte IMPACT Day 2016

On June 10, we celebrated Deloitte’s 17th annual Impact Day by joining our colleagues from across the US to do what we do best – work together, using our skills and experience, to make a meaningful difference in our local communities.

On June 10, we celebrated Deloitte’s 17th annual Impact Day by joining our colleagues from across the US to do what we do best – work together, using our skills and experience, to make a meaningful difference in our local communities. Deloitte’s community service on Impact Day—and every day—focuses on helping undervalued groups reach their full potential, particularly via youth education, as well as programs supporting veterans transitioning to civilian careers. Here in Sacramento, more than 100 volunteers invested their time and talent to help local Veterans and Washington Elementary School.

We conducted our annual workshop for about 35 local veterans to help them vision their business ideas and develop actionable business plans. Alumni of this workshop from years past came back to share their success stories with the participants. This all-day content rich session was both engaging and motivating to both veterans and our volunteers. Several Veterans commented how meaningful the session was for them personally.  The trust and collaboration shared by all participants made a real impact.

We also dedicated over 90 volunteers to assist Washington Elementary School in their efforts to beautify their school campus in preparation for their grand re-opening this September. Washington Elementary closed its doors a few years ago due to low enrollment and plans to reopen this fall with a renewed focus on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). Deloitte was thrilled to offer our support in several activities, including:

  • Installing privacy screens along three playground fences to provide a sense of privacy and security for students playing on campus
  • Completely renovating the school garden area by pulling weeds, removing debris and leaves, installing a weed barrier, raising and filling four garden bed with 84 cubic feet of soil, and topping the area with fresh playground bark
  • Painting 20 unique stepping stones in the garden area to add a splash of color for the children to enjoy
  • Shoveling, raking and distributing over 70 cubic yards of playground bark across 4 playgrounds 
We were thrilled to host the Sac City Unified School District Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Washington Elementary School Principal and other staff who could not thank us enough for dedicating our time and resources to helping them make Washington Elementary a destination school for their grand re-opening this September.

Collectively, our efforts made a difference in the lives of local Veterans and to the future students and teachers of Washington Elementary School.  


Photos courtesy of Deloitte.

For over 50 years Deloitte has helped agencies and departments within the state, local and federal government implement and manage complex systems.