Post-pandemic, where do education leaders go?

Chris Cruz, Tanium SLED CIO shares how the pandemic sparked a crash course in online learning--and with it, myriad security concerns that education leaders are left to address

Education institutions have remained admirably fluid over the past year and a half through the rollercoaster of remote and hybrid learning and teaching environments–scaling systems, devices, and processes for a learn-from-anywhere structure.

These changes are working well for many. New data from the Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics and the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) found that over half of institutional leaders plan to maintain “some or all of their emergency remote learning offerings via distance education after the pandemic.”

While the virtual learning model is largely beneficial for student continuity, K-12 districts and higher education institutions are increasingly targets for cyberattacks. Howard University and Allen Independent School District in Texas are just two recent examples.  Check out the article by Chris Cruz, Tanium SLED CIO, to learn about these use cases and how education leaders are addressing security concerns - here