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Secure Data and Transparency for all US Federal Agencies from Xerox

Xerox is setting the federal standard for security, as the FIRST managed print vendor to receive FedRAMP authorization for its cloud-based services.

Information technology decision makers at federal agencies now know that managed print services from Xerox can improve the security of their information, cut printing costs and improve transparency. That’s because Xerox has achieved an Authority To Operate (P-ATO) from the U.S. government’s FedRAMP Joint Authorization Board which is signed off by the CIO’s from DHS, DOD, and the GSA.

Xerox is the only company in the document technology space to earn this crucial designation. Xerox® Managed Print Services for the U.S. Federal Government includes:

  • First-in-class security that includes our partnership with McAfee and Cisco, who have industry standards second to none. You get the highest levels of encryption when communicating with Xerox multifunction printers, in addition to automatic security policy management, and secure print solutions.
  • Xerox MPS applications in a Government-only cloud that meet National Institute of Systems and Technology (NIST) standards.
  • Professional services for consulting, development, installation and configuration, and training.
  • Support services for software, and additional consulting and workflow development.
  • Hardware, such as Xerox multifunction printers and other scanners, which meet ISO Common Criteria Certification.

MPS helps federal agencies cut costs, streamline workflows, protect data

Our managed print services for U.S. Federal Government provides a standardized approach to security assessment, authorization and continuous monitoring in the cloud. This approach uses a “do once, use many times” framework that saves up to 30 percent of government costs, as well as time and staff required to conduct redundant agency security assessments.

Many federal government agencies close budget gaps with spending cuts. However, agencies can save millions is by looking in an unexpected place -- document management.

The federal government spends approximately $1.4 billion annually on printing costs for its knowledge workers. About $440 million of those costs are estimated to be unnecessary. Xerox Managed Print Services for U.S. Federal Government can help agencies in four ways:

  1. Executive Order 13589 reduce waste and cut cost by 20 percent. An area of focus: unnecessary printing.
  2. Executive Orders 13432 and 13514 reduce printing paper use.
  3. Enable power management, duplex printing, and other energy-efficient or environmentally preferable features on all eligible agency electronic products.
  4. Increased focus on security and internal threats.
Xerox Managed Print Services have been positioned as a market leader, and as the only MPS vendor with a FedRAMP authorized MPS solution, we are uniquely positioned to help federal agencies unlock hidden costs, free themselves from security risks, liberate their workflows, and bridge their physical and digital worlds.

Federal agencies can access our ATO package anytime on the FedRAMP marketplace.