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Sponsored: Simplivity Hyper-Convergence Extends To New Uses With All-Flash Options

If faced with the choice of buying a Chevrolet Corvette or a Toyota Corolla for the daily commute to work, there is a lot to consider: price, practicality, gas mileage and maybe even the color.

If faced with the choice of buying a Chevrolet Corvette or a Toyota Corolla for the daily commute to work, there is a lot to consider: price, practicality, gas mileage and maybe even the color.  But make the price for both cars just about the same, and that gives you an idea of the thinking behind recent changes for hyper-convergence, where an increasing number of products has emerged with all-flash storage.

This February, the Mississippi Department of Revenue (DOR) replaced EMC VNXe3100 and VNXe3300 storage systems with SimpliVity OmniCube hybrid hard disk drive and solid-state drive storage. After considering the all-flash offering from Nutanix Inc., the company chose hybrid storage from SimpliVity Corp., since it would exceed the department's performance requirements at greater than $100,000, said Patrick Welch, network services manager at the Mississippi DOR.

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See the case study about the Mississippi Department Of Revenue savings with Simplivity at

For more information or to talk to Simplivity directly please contact Dan Raynes

SimpliVity hyperconverged infrastructure delivers the enterprise-class performance and availability today’s IT leaders require, with the cloud economics businesses demand.