CAMPBELL, Calif. – June 14, 2016 – ForeScout Technologies Inc., the pioneer in agentless cybersecurity, today announced the findings of its new “Enterprise Internet of Things (IoT) Survey.” Commissioned by ForeScout and conducted by a non-affiliated third party, the survey of 350+ Information Technology (IT) professionals assessed their organizations’ IoT security practices. The research revealed that while the majority of respondents acknowledge the growing number of IoT devices on their networks, they are unaware of how to properly secure them.
The survey points to a lack of visibility into everything on the network. Eighty-five percent of survey respondents lacked confidence in their ability to see connected devices as soon as they joined their networks, and almost a quarter of survey respondents said that they weren’t confident at all. When connected devices are left out of the security sphere, an organization’s attack surface becomes much more vulnerable.