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Technology and Sustainability Report

Pure is committed to advancing its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices.

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Conducted by a third-party ESG consultancy, the assessment gathered and synthesized feedback from our top leaders and various key stakeholder groups, including investors, customers and partners. We used this stakeholder feedback to prioritize our most important areas of impact. In addition to prioritizing ESG topics, the assessment provided valuable insight on ESG risks and opportunities, which we used to refine our management practices and align on the future vision and roadmap of our ESG program. At the end of the assessment, we validated our top material ESG topics with our leadership team. These top five material topics form the foundation of our ESG program and report.

• Energy, Emissions and Climate Resilience

• Data Security and Privacy

• Ethical Business Practices

• Talent Acquisition, Retention & Development

• Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Pure Storage delivers the industry’s most advanced data storage platform to store, manage, and protect the world’s data at any scale. With Pure Storage, agencies have ultimate simplicity and flexibility, saving time, money, and energy. From AI to archive, Pure Storage delivers a cloud experience with one unified Storage as-a-Service platform across on-premises, cloud, and hosted environments. Our platform is built on our Evergreen architecture that evolves with your agency — always getting newer and better with zero planned downtime, guaranteed. Our customers are actively increasing their capacity and processing power while significantly reducing their carbon and energy footprint. It’s easy to fall in love with Pure Storage, as evidenced by the highest Net Promoter Score in the industry.