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The Strategic Planning Guide for Local Government

From planning to procuring and reporting, here are the 5 must-have elements for strategic budgeting and planning.

A big statement in a nutshell: Expectations around future-focused planning and reporting become more complex with each passing year, and federal stimulus funds are only making the need for strategic planning and reporting more urgent.

Prepare yourself with the information you need to overcome these challenges and make a big impact with these five must-have elements for every local government leader.

Download this eBook to:

  • Learn what the five elements are and why they are a modern must.
  • Discover the biggest missteps leaders make surrounding fund planning.
  • See real examples of communities following best practices and the results they saw.

Download Now>>

OpenGov is the leader in modern cloud software for our nation’s cities, counties, and state agencies. With a mission to power more effective and accountable government, OpenGov serves more than 1,600 agencies across the U.S. and is built exclusively for the unique budgeting, procurement, and citizen services needs of the public sector. The OpenGov Cloud makes organizations more collaborative and efficient and enables best-in-class communication with stakeholders and community.