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Thinking Beyond Beds: The Case for a Better Housing Solution

With case management software like Social Solutions’ Apricot solution, you get housing technology that protects participants’ data, allows you to maintain compliance, saves time, and measures your outcomes in the community.

Everyone deserves a place they can call home. It’s why you and your staff work so hard to lift your participants out of the darkest moments of their lives and set them on a path to independence and stability. That work is hard enough—make sure you have a system in place so that your staff can focus on supporting your participants and residents.

If you’re in the business of putting a roof over heads, you are also thinking about the long-term needs: the programs and services that will lead your participants to stability and self-sufficiency. On top of basic reporting and security needs, you need a way to elevate your services in order to address the increasing demand; a system that allows you to partner with other organizations and programs; and the ability to measure and show your impact.

Now is the time to invest in the right technology that better empowers you to serve people in need and reduce homelessness in your community.

In this eGuide, we’ll cover why your housing software needs to help you do the following:

  • Make sure your compliance and reporting are up to code. 
  • Lay the foundation of services to meet the growing line of participants. 
  • Guide participants to a pathway of self-sufficiency. 
  • Build reports to show impact at the drop of a hat. 

Get the eGuide today!