Straight to the Point Video Overview
Presenter: George Brown
Time 2:07
Discover how Splunk can assist your agency in shaping its strategicplan for Cal-Secure, which is divided into three critical categories: People, Process,and Technology. We will dissect each category, exploring essential factors that mustbe equally addressed to ensure successful outcomes. Gain valuable insights andguidance on selecting the optimal Security and IT data analytics platform that alignswith your strategic objectives.
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Ease the Burden of State Entities through Automation
Presenter: Zachary Christensen
Time 4:28
Automation will serve as a force multiplier and a pivotal factor in thesuccess of the Cal-Secure strategic plan. A SOAR platform will accelerate the time-to-action of security incidents, leverage existing tools to increase ROI, reduce alertfatigue, and eliminate repetitive tasks.
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The Crucial Role of a Robust People and Process Enablement Ecosystem
Presenter: Tina Carkhuff and Frank Myers
Time 9:00
Due to post-pandemic changes in the workforce that left skills gapswithin state and local government agencies. The Great Resignation was a periodwhere 40% of the U.S. workforce considered leaving their jobs in 2021, and about 34million resigned. California led the country with 66,000 cybersecurity job openingsbecause cybersecurity is a priority for the state.
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Fraud, Waste and Abuse
Presenter: Chris Perkins
Time 9:11
A risk-based approaches holds great importance because the processof understanding and identifying risks is no longer static. Although specific objects oractions may remain relevant, the ability to identify active risk factors and integratethem with historical data to evaluate current risks, is indispensable in modernsecurity operations accurately and efficiently.
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Harnessing the requirements for 24:7 Monitoring through the Utilization of an AgileArchitecture
Presenter: Collin Gross
Time 5:03
The State uses SIEM solutions from multiple vendors. To support thebroad range of participating agencies with unique operating constraints, regulatoryrequirements, and security support models. As stated in the Strategic Plan, bysharing core capabilities and leveraging a partnership with the CaliforniaCybersecurity Integration Center (Cal-CSIC) as the central organizing hub of stategovernment’s cybersecurity activities, the state could dramatically increase its abilityto detect, protect, and respond to cybersecurity threats.
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Security Frameworks and Compliance including MITRE ATT&CK
Presenter: Blake Hughes
Time 6:36
Cybersecurity frameworks have become a baseline for security formost organizations. It helps organizations understand risks and threats and implement security accordingly. An organization can comply with multiple frameworks and also tweak the guidelines tobetter fit their use cases. Although different frameworks follow different approaches,the core idea remains improving security.
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Conquering Emerging Threats & Vulnerabilities through the Synergy of Security & ITModernization
Presenter: Shuning Gao and Sam Scudere-Weiss
Time 10:50
As the State of California's adopts new technologies and processes,they may also become exposed to new threats and vulnerabilities. Building securityresilience into modernization efforts ensures that systems and applications aredesigned with security best practices in mind, reducing the risk of cyberattacks anddata breaches. Other considerations include compliance with regulations, enhancedservice continuity and improved end user trust.
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The Power of Integration: Breaking through the barriers of unsupported data sources
Presenter: Robert Alvarez
Time 6:07
The volume, speed, and diversity of data that are crucial to State ofCalifornia will keep growing both presently and in the future. Organizations withsystems and processes in place to appropriately handle this will benefit greatly fromthe ability to meet dynamic stakeholder needs, ensure digital resilience, and keeppace with innovation.
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