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What Does It Really Mean to Be AI-Native?

Juniper Networks has unveiled the industry’s first AI-Native Networking Platform. And with it, we’re one step closer to a world of zero network trouble tickets, no application performance issues, and no network outages.

But AI isn’t entirely new to us, and this announcement has been years in the making.

Our AI engine that lies at the heart of the platform has been continuously learning, for 7 years and counting, how to automatically resolve network issues without a human ever touching the controls.

And now, we’re taking that to the next level.

As a longtime technologist who's had a front-row seat to the dawn of the internet, I’m so excited to see Juniper now leading the charge into this era of AI. It should be clear by now that AI is not an embellishment for us – it’s the backbone of how we envision the future.

And be sure to sign up for our virtual event in March, AI-Native NOW, to learn more about this platform and our strategic direction to drive value for customers.

Juniper Networks: Empowering the Future of State and Local Government in California