White Paper: A Proven Security Intelligence Model for Combating Cyber Threats: A Reference Model for IT Security Practitioners from Logrhythm

According to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, cyber security incidents have increased 66% year-over-year since 2009. These attacks and the notion that you may already be compromised indicates that CISOs must make a shift in processes and priorities toward detecting and responding to threats more quickly.

Understand your business risk and discover the state of your organization’s cyber security posture.

According to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, cyber security incidents have increased 66% year-over-year since 2009. These attacks and the notion that you may already be compromised indicates that CISOs must make a shift in processes and priorities toward detecting and responding to threats more quickly.

The Security Intelligence Maturity Model™ provides a systematic guide for an organization to assess and actively achieve a heightened security posture in terms of advanced detection and response capabilities.

Find out where your organization sits on the Security Intelligence Maturity Model™ and identify gaps that need to be filled.


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LogRhythm, a leader in security intelligence and analytics, empowers organizations around the globe to rapidly detect, respond to and neutralize damaging cyber threats.