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Your Beginner’s Guides to Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform

With organizations shifting to multicloud adoption, your team needs basic literacy in multiple cloud platforms. We identified the most common services for the major cloud providers and created guidebooks to help you navigate within multiple cloud platforms.

To become a multicloud guru, you first have to understand the terms and features the platforms use and understand their similarities and differences. These quick-reference cloud guides:
  • Explain the most common cloud concepts and phrases
  • Teach you to navigate the services that can cause turbulence

Once you understand the AWS, Azure, and GCP platforms—what they are, how they work, and where they (sometimes) break down—you’re well on your way to becoming a multicloud guru.
Pluralsight is the technology skills platform for IT leaders who need to evaluate the technical abilities of their teams, align learning to key agency objectives and close skills gaps in critical areas like cloud, security and emerging technologies