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2016 Predictions: Robert Schmidt, Chief, California Office of Technology Services

Watch for trending technologies and more state technology services in 2016, Schmidt writes.

The California Department of Technology is actively adopting trending technologies, creating new frameworks and expanding services to encourage innovation and transparency in state government in 2016.

With the proliferation of our CalCloud service offerings, we can standardize the state’s technology infrastructure and enhance cybersecurity to protect critical and sensitive data. CalCloud services will give the state a greater return on investment and optimize the business value to customers.

The state’s new Open Data Portal will create greater transparency to all levels of government by providing enhanced levels of information, including maps and geospatial information, to government entities and California citizens, including students, researchers and others. This information will aid us all in making more informed decisions about things that impact our lives.

Mobile device access to services and information continues to increase exponentially. Mobile device access to the websites now averages nearly 40 percent month to month, which has increased 8 percent per year since 2011. The California Mobile Gallery continues to increase mobile-friendly services and information to the public by more than 20 percent each year. With the addition of local government services and information to the gallery, 2015 marked the largest increase.

Our new California Project Management Office is developing a framework that will standardize best practices in project management to ensure that the state’s critical IT projects are well managed.

In 2016, these transformative and innovative endeavors are expected to greatly enhance how we do business, and provide Californians with the information and services they need.

This commentary appears in the Winter 2015 issue of Techwire magazine.

Robert Schmidt is the chief of California's Office of Technology Services (OTech).