State CIO Hopes for More Collaboration with Vendors

Techwire recently asked California's new state CIO, Amy Tong, what she wants from the vendor community now that she's the director of the Department of Technology.

Techwire recently asked California's new state CIO, Amy Tong, what she wants from the vendor community now that she's the director of the Department of Technology.

"To sum it up, more collaboration. And I'm not saying that as just 'collaboration' as a buzzword. If you're looking at the whys of the [state's] move to agile, the focus on cybersecurity maturity, and the focus on oversight and the project management framework — and soliciting input on the vendor performance scorecard — at the end of the day what we're looking for is the state is taking on more accountability in the delivery of technology solutions to state programs.

"And looking at that level of a partnership with the vendor community. So it's not a transfer of risk, not a transfer of accountability, not a transfer of responsibility to the vendor community alone, but more of working with the vendor community where they can bring in the latest technologies, the experience and resources. And couple that with the business knowledge, the skill set the state can provide in supporting our state programs to be delivered to the citizens of California.

"That's the working relationship we are striving to achieve, and we're hoping the vendor community can be very open and honest and with the feedback on that level of engagement. What do they see? Are we on the right track?"

The state continues to engage with associations and organizations representing the IT industry, said Teala Schaff, the Department of Technology's deputy director for communications and external affairs. She said clear, ongoing dialog between the state and vendors is important.

"How vendors' needs get met and the state's needs get met  we have to come together to figure out that partnership and collaborate on those efforts. We both have to win. It has to be win-win or it doesn't work," Schaff said.

Matt Williams was Managing Editor of Techwire from June 2014 through May 2017.