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Elastic is a search company that powers workplace search, observability, and security solutions that can be deployed on premises, in the cloud, or in hybrid environments. Elastic helps government and education professionals make data actionable, increase visibility into their infrastructures, build better citizen experiences, and securely move to the cloud.

  • Join us as we guide you through the process of constructing a RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation)-enabled Search App using Elastic's cutting-edge technology stack. You will witness firsthand how to harness the power of Elastic Search alongside an LLM (Large Language Model) to create a dynamic and responsive search application. Moreover, you'll gain insights into optimizing the search experience tailored to your unique data and customer needs.
  • Today we’re introducing the Elasticsearch Relevance Engine™ (ESRE™), new capabilities for creating highly relevant AI search applications. ESRE builds on Elastic’s leadership in search and over two years of machine learning research and development. The Elasticsearch Relevance Engine combines the best of AI with Elastic’s text search. ESRE gives developers a full suite of sophisticated retrieval algorithms and the ability to integrate with large language models (LLMs). Even better, it’s accessible via a simple, unified API that Elastic’s community already trusts, so developers around the world can start using it immediately to elevate search relevance.
  • One day. Infinite possibilities.