The city of Arlington is seeking a qualified consultant capable of providing geographic information systems (GIS) and engineering services.
According to the city’s request for qualifications (RFQ), Arlington requires a team of GIS professionals and stormwater engineers “to provide quality control reviews and updates to the city’s stormwater GIS system.”
The GIS asset system data resulting from the updates will be used to develop hydraulic models for system capacity evaluations and incorporated into the city’s Cartegraph OMS work order asset management software.
More detailed information about RFQ No. 24-0223, including all submission requirements and requests, can be found online. A pre-proposal meeting has been scheduled for 10 a.m. June 3 in Arlington. The deadline for submissions is 2 p.m. June 20. Dana Endsley is the point of contact for this RFQ.
Arlington Seeking Stormwater GIS and Engineering Services
The city requires a team of GIS professionals and stormwater engineers to review and update its stormwater GIS system.
