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City Council Approves $2.6 Million to Replace Law Enforcement Technology

The city is contracted with Axon Enterprise to provide cameras, video and tasers.

Law enforcement and judicial personnel will begin to receive technology replacements and upgrades over the course of the next five years.

The Tyler Police Department will replace its in-car camera systems, body cameras and conductive energy weapons known as tasers, according to the city website. Axon Enterprise Inc. is the vendor.

“Technology continues to evolve and plays a bigger role in community policing each year,” City Manager Ed Broussard said. “The Tyler Police Department was one of the first departments in the state to adopt body camera technology over a decade ago. This spending will ensure we continue to lead the state in transparent policing.”

A $2.61 million commitment over five years includes equipment, training and associated software; the city will pay over five years in installments of more than $500,000 each.

The agreement includes:
  • In-car police cameras with integrated license plate reader abilities.
  • Body cameras and upgraded tasers for each officer.
  • Unlimited video storage.
  • Associated software, hardware, services and warranties.

The municipal court and Fire Department will also receive recording equipment and tasers.

The current in-car video system was purchased in 2014 and upgraded in 2017. Officers now use two brands of body-worn cameras, one that was originally purchased in 2014 and one upgraded in 2018, the website says. The replacements will bring the devices up to date and give the city a unified product.