The city of Dallas has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for an enterprise data repository.
The requested data repository must be software as a service (SaaS), cloud-based, compatible with Okta and Active Directory, secured via role-based access, configurable to changing business needs, and capable of Workday integration.
The city is looking to enter into a three-year master service agreement with two one-year renewal options.
Ongoing support, training and data migration from NeoGov, LearningZen and BenSelect systems into the requested repository are required as a stipulation of the proposal.
More detailed information about RFP No. BCZ24-00023840, including all submission requirements and requests, can be found online. A virtual, non-mandatory pre-proposal conference will be at 9 a.m. March 4. The deadline for question submission is 2 p.m. March 8. The deadline for proposals is 1 p.m. March 22.
City of Dallas Requests Enterprise Data Repository
The city is looking to enter into a three-year master service agreement with two one-year renewal options for a cloud-based software as a service.

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