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El Paso Set to Spend $24.7M on IT this Fiscal Year

The budget mentions modernization, cloud migration, mobile app updates and enhanced citizen experience.

El Paso
El Paso’s IT budget was set at $24.7 million for FY2024 and allows the city to continue to improve its customer experience, something illustrated in its deliverables list.

This year, those include:
  • Improving systems in various departments “with software cloud migrations and mobile-ready initiatives,” including human resources, financial, permitting and licensing
  • Modernizing software “to enhance customer experience,” including the El Paso 311 mobile application
  • Expanding cybersecurity initiatives including raising awareness, reducing phishing failure rates, implementing a vulnerability management program and enhancing the Internet security layer
The summary of the department’s 2023 key results includes a cloud-based call center, several IT infrastructure upgrades and replacements, transitioning mobile equipment to Verizon and various public safety improvements.

The El Paso IT department includes 95 full-time employees supporting some 6,500 city employees and 884,432 residents. The city’s procurement is managed via an Ion Wave platform.
Rae D. DeShong is a Dallas-based staff writer and has written for The Dallas Morning News and worked as a community college administrator.