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City of El Paso

Deputy CIO Carolyn Patrick has been named interim IT director following the promotion of Araceli Guerra.
The city has approved a total budget of $1.3 billion; the document describes its Department of Information Technology Services as key to high-performing government.
The budget mentions modernization, cloud migration, mobile app updates and enhanced citizen experience.
The department has been working on several technology upgrade projects, including website and toll collection work.
The utility is seeking a service with an online banking portal that allows for digital reporting, fraud protection services and collections.
The Center for Digital Government recognized El Paso in the annual awards program for the IT department’s support of city strategic planning with new cross-departmental data and processes.
The department plans to contract with a firm by early summer to create comprehensive planning including asset management software.
The city implemented a system to identify and detect drone activity in restricted airspace or near critical infrastructure. The deployment comes ahead of the FAA mandate that requires drones have remote identification capability.
The one-stop program called “El Paso Helps” will connect residents with a live person to assist with social services such as street outreach, shelter, food, COVID-19 assistance and mental health counseling.
The city of El Paso has partnered with the private sector to create its Economic Snapshot Dashboard, a data visualization to help paint a picture of its economy as it grows and adapts.
A city CIO shared his takeaways from local and interstate collaboration.
The city partnered with a UX expert among others to streamline its web pages.