Included in the sum is funding for the agency’s distance learning program, cybersecurity and secure IT service delivery, the agency’s data distribution system, data center services and shared technology.
The funding for these line items is $1.3 million in Fiscal Year 2024 and $1.1 million in FY 2025.
The agency is responsible for licensing and certifying peace officers, county jailers, telecommunicators and school marshals across the state. It will undergo multiple changes due to new legislation including SB 1445.
These include:
- Standardizing peace officers’ personnel files in a “licensing status database”
- Building a new, public-facing database with peace officer information
- Completing more background checks across state lines
Policy group Texas 2036 has been working to influence decisions about TCOLE and has taken a deep dive into the agency's reporting and data practices. They have several reports and updates at their website.