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Council Seeks New Application Programming Interface Testing

A related RFP seeks a test management, application life cycle management solution.

A state council has released requests for proposals (RFPs) for a vendor to provide an API performance/API load testing solution for use by ERCOT’s QA team.

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) seeks to modernize its API performance/load testing system and is evaluating acquiring an automated on-premise API performance/load testing tool for:
  • REST
  • SOAP
  • XML
  • JSON

ERCOT is also seeking RFPs for a vendor to provide a test management/application life cycle management solution for use by the council’s quality assurance team.

A high level of system and data security is a critical attribute of all ERCOT systems. Vendors should describe their security policies and protocols to ensure that where applicable, ERCOT data would be protected. This should include how the system will be protected from viruses, backup procedures, SDLC process, vulnerability notifications, incident response plan, access logs and accessibility of audit trails.

The contact person for both RFPs is Jason Terrell, ERCOT, 2705 West Lake Drive, Taylor, Texas, 76574, 512-248-6331.

Both proposals are due Sept. 6.
Darren Nielsen is the former lead editor for Industry Insider — Texas.