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El Paso ISD Seeks Student Attendance Notification System

The district hopes the implementation of a notification system will increase student performance, instructional minutes and district revenue.

school kids technology
The El Paso Independent School District (EPISD) has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for a student attendance notification system.

The chosen system must support three measures of attendance: the Americans with Disabilities Act, truancy rates and chronic absence rates.

The system must allow communication with families via six personalized letters per year, texts, emails and a conversational chatbot that is available 24/7.

The district is also requesting an address tracker that auto-populates contact information twice per year, parent surveys available in English and Spanish, and a visualization of student attendance trends.

The chosen vendor will also be responsible for obtaining student demographic information from the Frontline Student Information System and training district personnel on the new system.

More detailed information about RFP No. 24-044, including all submission requirements and requests, can be found online. Questions regarding this RFP are due by 12 p.m. MST July 17. The due date for submissions is 2 p.m. MST July 31. Corina Heredia is the point of contact for this solicitation.
Chandler Treon is an Austin-based staff writer. He has a bachelor’s degree in English, a master’s degree in literature and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in technical communication, all from Texas State University.