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Energy Company Seeks Program Management Office Services

The contractor will help track labor, equipment and materials to develop, complete and provide business initiatives.

A Texas energy provider is seeking a company to provide program management office services for a three-year term.

CPS Energy is seeking project portfolio management and change management guidance that will help track labor, equipment and materials to develop, complete and provide business initiatives.

All components of the request for proposal must be submitted electronically in the CPS Energy Supplier Management System portal by 3 p.m. Aug. 3.

CPS Energy says it is dedicated to environmentally conscious practices and prefers to purchase products and materials, where feasible, that demonstrably minimize the harmful effects to the environment from their production, transportation, use, and/or disposition.

Respondents are asked to provide information regarding a solution’s environmental sustainability practices, if any.

A minimum of three references are required from companies for which the respondent has provided services similar to the services identified in this RFP. At least one of those references must have an operating revenue over $1 billion.
Darren Nielsen is the former lead editor for Industry Insider — Texas.