The city of Fort Worth is allocating $58 million to information technology for fiscal years 2023-2027, according to the city’s Capital Improvement Plan.
Projects listed in the IT chapter of the improvement plan to be funded include $5.3 million for business applications, $27.6 million for hardware procurements and $25.1 million for technology infrastructure.
Business applications include citizen-facing systems, enterprisewide systems and department-specific systems managed on a systemwide upgrade schedule.
Planned hardware procurements include the repair and purchasing of PCs, laptops, associated network devices and radio equipment.
Technology infrastructure projects to be funded include “network equipment, servers, storage systems, backup and recovery systems, licensing for enterprise services, security hardware and software, database platform and specialty equipment,” as well as enterprise resource planning for all departments.
Fort Worth Allocates $58M to IT for Next 5 Years
Projects listed in the information technology chapter of the improvement plan to be funded include business applications, hardware procurements and technology infrastructure.