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GovX Summit to Showcase Tech Industry Trends, Highlights

The virtual event, set for Sept. 15, is presented by the Center for Digital Government to showcase and recognize the latest trends, best practices and ideas about the evolving experience of government.

The GovX Summit is set for Sept. 15, bringing together a diverse set of leaders from industry and government, and offering a unique opportunity to learn from and network with those at the forefront of the government experience movement.

The virtual event, which will run from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern time, is the premiere Center for Digital Government* annual event that showcases and recognizes the latest trends, best practices and ideas about the evolving experience of government.

The hosts are:
  • Brian Cohen, vice president, Center for Digital Government, Center for Digital Education
  • Dustin Haisler, chief innovation officer, e.Republic
  • Teri Takai, senior vice president, e.Republic

The speakers include Haisler and Phil Bertolini, senior vice president of e.Republic.

For registration and general assistance, contact Lauren Kouba, Government Technology, (916) 932-1408.

Sponsorship opportunities are available. For information, contact Heather Earney, Government Technology, (916) 932-1339.

*Industry Insider — Texas, Government Technology magazine and the Center for Digital Government are owned by e.Republic.