The virtual event, which will run from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern time, is the premiere Center for Digital Government* annual event that showcases and recognizes the latest trends, best practices and ideas about the evolving experience of government.
The hosts are:
- Brian Cohen, vice president, Center for Digital Government, Center for Digital Education
- Dustin Haisler, chief innovation officer, e.Republic
- Teri Takai, senior vice president, e.Republic
The speakers include Haisler and Phil Bertolini, senior vice president of e.Republic.
For registration and general assistance, contact Lauren Kouba, Government Technology, (916) 932-1408.
Sponsorship opportunities are available. For information, contact Heather Earney, Government Technology, (916) 932-1339.
*Industry Insider — Texas, Government Technology magazine and the Center for Digital Government are owned by e.Republic.