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Insider Takes: Notes on Data Governance and Sharing from a Corporate Tech Leader

Texas SLED insiders talk to Industry Insider — Texas about current IT practices, challenges and solutions.

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During the Texas Digital Government Summit (DGS)*, several public- and private-sector IT experts stopped by the Industry Insider — Texas booth for short interviews and to give their perspectives on the market.

In this short interview, DeWayne Jackson, senior account executive at Tyler Technologies, talks about connecting silos, data governance and using data to make decisions. He works in the Data and Insights Division of the company based in Plano. Tyler Technologies provides public-sector solutions across the United States.

Are you an IT leader who would like an opportunity to share your thoughts with colleagues, customers and those you serve? Please contact our staff.

*The Digital Government Summits are hosted by Government Technology, Industry Insider — Texas sister publication.