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Irving Lays Out 2025-27 IT Modernization Initiatives

Upcoming software and infrastructure upgrades include a $1 million police mobile data computer replacement project and a citywide expansion of its fiber network.

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The city of Irving listed multiple IT initiatives for the 2025-27 fiscal years in a City Council work session recently, including cybersecurity enhancements, software and infrastructure upgrades, digital transformation and citizen engagement improvements.

Chad Powell, the city's chief technology officer, laid out the plans to council. To enhance cybersecurity, the city intends to implement advanced threat detection and response systems, explore the adoption of a zero-trust security model and enhance staff training.

Upcoming software and infrastructure upgrades Powell listed include a $1 million police mobile data computer replacement project, supervisory control and data acquisition improvements for data center operations, a citywide expansion of its fiber network and a QTS data center build-out.

Irving expects to spend $700,000 during the first two years of a three-year project to replace most of its network infrastructure.

The city’s digital transformation entails improving digital citizen engagement platforms and transitioning away from manual city business processes.

A video recording of the City Council work session is available on the city’s website.
Chandler Treon is an Austin-based staff writer. He has a bachelor’s degree in English, a master’s degree in literature and a master’s degree in technical communication, all from Texas State University.