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Major Metro’s Public Transit Wants to Use Social Media Tech for Better Service

City hopes real-time data can enhance community engagement and marketing, among other benefits.

An April 2017 view of the Houston Metro, an arched construction for buses to stop under.
A major Texas city has published a request for proposals (RFP) to monitor public opinion by real-time processing of social media content using natural language processing, machine learning and social network analysis.

This information should be appendable to external customer/stakeholder structured databases. The contractor shall provide reports and analytics weekly and sometimes daily.

The contractor shall generate reports offering strategic messaging counsel to the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO) to guide and enhance agency community engagement, marketing efforts and general communication strategies and tactics.

Monitoring content will be provided via an all-inclusive web-based system. The contractor shall generate specific topic reports as needed and develop and support a “dashboard” of online activity connected to agency goals and objectives available for management review.

The contractor shall provide a monitoring solution that should:
  • Automatically detect spikes in discussions.
  • Identify causes of changes in conversation intensity and tone.
  • Track how often social media mentions METRO, both in aggregate and by pertinent discussion topic.
  • Track individualized and aggregate sentiment in METRO mentions.
  • Display common threads in public opinion across searchable date ranges.
  • Identify the entities most effective at disseminating messages.
  • Auto detection of new conversation threads in METRO conversation networks and across targeted markets.
  • METRO and transit industry-specific forecasting establishing best practices and event-driven variations that maximize community involvement.

The contract administrator is Ruben Rios.

The due date for submissions is 2 p.m. Aug. 1.

One hard copy of the proposal should be delivered to Metropolitan Transit Authority, Procurement Division, Plan Room, Second Floor, 1900 Main St., Houston, Texas, 77002, and one electronic copy (PDF) should be delivered by email.
Darren Nielsen is the former lead editor for Industry Insider — Texas.