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Profiles in Government: Department of Motor Vehicles

The department responsible for vehicle registration and titling has about $68 million budgeted for information technology resources, enhancements, automation and capital projects in the 2024 fiscal year.

Unregistered Texas license plate
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The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV), the agency responsible for vehicle registration and titling, has listed several IT-related goals in its strategic plan for the coming biennium.

Here is more information about the agency, including who leads its IT department, how many staff the department employs and its tech-related goals for the biennium.


Budget: TxDMV's overall budget is $362.5 million for the 2024 fiscal year with $34.3 million budgeted for information resources, plus another $13.2 million for technology enhancement and automation.

Its capital budget includes $20.4 million for information resource technology acquisitions, $17.3 million for data center and shared technology services and $400,000 for cybersecurity, according to HB 1.

Leadership: Wendy Barron is the department’s CIO.

Staff: The agency has 854 full-time employees for Fiscal Year 2024. Below are tech-related goals listed in the department’s FY 2023-2027 strategic plan:
  • Build a core infrastructure and upgrade existing systems through technology enhancements and automation upgrades
  • Replace the current registration and title system
  • Implement a paperless registration renewal system
  • Secure technology resources and customer data to better protect the public

Some of the larger DMV IT projects in the budget bill include $10.5 million for system automation, $5 million for technology replacement and upgrades and $4.4 million for replacing its registration and title system.
Chandler Treon is an Austin-based staff writer. He has a bachelor’s degree in English, a master’s degree in literature and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in technical communication, all from Texas State University.