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San Jacinto College Seeks Mentoring Software Platform

The platform must match mentors with mentees and provide administrators with feedback regarding concerns and topics among program mentees.

A mentor working with younger students in a STEM classroom.
The San Jacinto Community College District has released a request for proposals (RFP) for a configurable mentoring software solution.

The requested solution is intended to serve both students and employees throughout their time at the college. The platform must match mentors with mentees and provide administrators with feedback regarding concerns and topics among program mentees.

System function requirements include customizable surveys, automated engagement notifications, goal-setting curriculum, interactive tooling, assessment capabilities, a flagging system, safety reporting measures, dashboard application troubleshooting, communication channels and a help desk for users.

The chosen vendor, who must have previous experience working with Texas colleges, will be required to provide a support team who will meet with stakeholders up to four times a month.

The implementation and operation of the selected platform is scheduled to begin no later than Sept. 1.

More detailed information about RFP No. IFB-25-21, including all submission requirements and requests, can be found online. A virtual pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. Feb. 18. Questions can be submitted until 5 p.m. Feb. 25. The due date for proposal submissions is 2 p.m. March 6. Melissa Fuqua is the point of contact for this solicitation.
Chandler Treon is an Austin-based staff writer. He has a bachelor’s degree in English, a master’s degree in literature and a master’s degree in technical communication, all from Texas State University.