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Secretary of State Reminds Voters of Election Security Measures

Elections offices are mandated to go through cybersecurity assessments and training, and jurisdictions with a population over 100,000 have video surveillance of ballot-holding areas.

Outline made up of tiny people forms a hand putting a ballot in a box.
Texas early voting for the 2024 presidential election has been underway since Monday, and various officials have been sending out updates on how election processes are managed.

Secretary of State Jane Nelson’s office gave an update Monday, the first day of early voting, regarding how the state promotes election security as per election code.

Here are electronic means mentioned in the news release:
  • Cybersecurity assessments at county election departments
  • Multifactor authentication to access voter registration database
  • Annual cybersecurity training for those with database access
  • Mandatory cyber breach reporting
  • Voter registration database quality assurance
  • Voting systems not connected to the Internet
  • Video recording and livestreaming of ballot-holding areas in larger municipalities
SOS posts election updates online.