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State Legislator Honored for Dedication to Technological Innovation

State Rep. Giovanni Capriglione received the award for his work forwarding technology and information security in the state Legislature.

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State Rep. Giovanni Capriglione (R-98) has been awarded the Bob Bullock Award for Outstanding Public Stewardship.

Named after former Texas state legislator, Comptroller and Lt. Gov. Bob Bullock, the award is presented to a Texas state executive or elected official for outstanding leadership, innovation and a career that exemplifies dedication to serving Texas citizens.

Capriglione chairs the Investment in Information Technology Improvement, Oversight Committee and the bipartisan Innovation and Technology Caucus of the Texas Legislature (IT Caucus). He is associated with multiple bills regarding technology, information security and how business is done on the web. During his tenure in the state Legislature, he has:
  • Passed legislation to require cybersecurity training and incident reporting by state and local governments
  • Pushed for and achieved increased funding for cybersecurity and legacy modernization
  • Created the Cybersecurity Council
  • Passed data management legislation
  • Increased focus on data privacy initiatives

Capriglione has previously called for increased state agency use of AI and revealed a framework developed by the IT Caucus for legislation regarding AI during a stakeholder meeting earlier this month.

“I hope that more agencies will come up with pilots and other ideas to keep using artificial intelligence tools,” Capriglione said at the stakeholder meeting. “We should, in Texas, always be looking at not one specific technology, but all of it and how Texas can continue to be innovative.”