The Texas A&M University System has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for a commercial off-the-shelf computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system with law enforcement and fire records management capabilities.
According to the solicitation, the A&M System’s 12 university police departments, the Texas Division of Emergency Management and the Texas A&M Forest Service will participate in the proposed solution, accounting for about 350 law enforcement personnel and 100 support personnel.
The requested solution must include a mobile application, a report writing function, a law enforcement records management system and a fire records management system.
At a minimum, the solution must include real-time mapping, automated vehicle location, identified interfaces, advanced mobile functionalities and the ability to search and access external databases.
The A&M System also requires the solution to be interoperable with CAD systems in use by other law enforcement agencies.
In addition to the requested solution, the chosen vendor must provide the following interfaces to the A&M System: a one-way interface from the E911 system to the CAD application for importing E911 data, an audio recorder, the NetClock interface for time synchronization, text to 911, a CAD-GIS interface, emergency medical dispatch, an emergency mass notification system and more.
More detailed information about RFP01-CIO-25-219, including all minimum requirements and requested services, can be found online. Questions regarding the solicitation are due Jan. 23. The deadline for proposals is 2 p.m. Feb. 12. Jeff Zimmermann is the point of contact for this RFP.
Texas A&M System Seeks Computer-Aided Dispatch Solution
The A&M System’s 12 university police departments, the Texas Division of Emergency Management and the Texas A&M Forest Service will participate in the proposed solution.

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