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Tracking the Spend: One Department’s Top 10 Vendors for Q2

During the second quarter of 2022, 223 purchases were made from 45 vendors.

The state entity that works to improve the health, safety and well-being of Texans through good stewardship of public resources made 223 purchases of IT goods from 45 vendors in the second quarter of this year and spent $6.79 million in the 10 largest transactions.

SSDataInfo, a company that, according to its website, has worked with “public health systems design, development, integration, and support for over 20 years,” led the list with the Department of State Health Services at just over $3 million.

The complete top 10, according to the IT Spending Dashboard:

1. $3.13 million, SSDataInfo
2. $924,141, Loblolly
3. $587,134, Insight Public Sector
4. $455,059, Deloitte Consulting
5. $367,930, Apex Systems
6. $324,212, GTS Technology Solutions
7. $304,034, Bansar Technologies
8. $282,642, Texas GovLink
9. $229,907, Sistema Technologies
10. $183,595, Athomtech
Darren Nielsen is the former lead editor for Industry Insider — Texas.