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Tracking the Spend: Texas Workforce Commission

The Texas Workforce Commission spent $174.19 million in calendar year 2021.

According to the Texas IT Spending Dashboard on Industry Insider — Texas, the largest spend during that time went to purchased contracted services — expensed at $100.6 million. The second-largest spend was on communication services at $24.46 million. Coming in at No. 3 was IT services at $13.7 million.

Those top three categories accounted for about 79.7 percent of the department's 2021 expenditures.

By comparison, the department spent $129.26 million in calendar year 2020. The largest spend during that time went to purchased contracted services at $69.38 million. The second-largest spend was on communication services at $17.64 million. Coming in at No. 3 was IT services at $13.16 million.

Those top three categories accounted for about 78 percent of the department's 2020 expenditures.
Darren Nielsen is the former lead editor for Industry Insider — Texas.