Travis County has issued a request for proposals (RFP) for a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) law enforcement records management system (RMS) and jail management system (JMS).
The RMS must include master indices for names, properties, vehicles and locations. The system will also be expected to record and manage incident reports, property and evidence, crime scene data, the sex offender registry, warrants, arrests, traffic accident reports, protection orders and restraints, internal affairs, complaints, missing-person reports and more.
The JMS must manage booking, inmate identification, trust funds, commissary, billing, inmate property, visitor control, facilities, medical information, class programs, court bond and more.
Both systems must be capable of automating business processes, manual data entry and the enforcement of business rules and best practices while minimizing duplicate data entries and county-specific modifications to the application(s).
Although independent proposals for RMS or JMS solutions are welcome, integrated solutions from a single vendor are strongly preferred.
More detailed information about RFP No. 2402-001-LC, including all minimum requirements and requested services, can be found online. The due date for proposals is 2 p.m. March 19. Jerry Jones is the point of contact for this RFP.
Travis County Seeking Records and Jail Management Systems
Both systems must be capable of automating business processes, manual data entry and the enforcement of business rules and best practices while minimizing duplicate data entries and county-specific modifications to the application(s).