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Carrie Bishop

Carrie Bishop, a UK native, worked in technology there before coming to the U.S. two years ago and accepting the position of Chief Digital Services Officer for the city/county of San Francisco. Bishop blogs on The Service Gazette on

  • “Our early strategy was to say ‘YES!’ to everything. Typically, IT departments were known for saying ‘NO’ to every request and we wanted to differentiate ourselves. We never gave an outright ‘no.’ If we were asked to do something unrealistic or something that would not benefit users, we said ‘We’d love to help understand the problem you’re trying to solve.’”
  • “In many ways, it has never been easier to implement digital services. Our partners within the city are finding it much easier to think about small, iterative services that improve over time. In less wild times, we likely wouldn’t have put these services live in their current state.”
  • "My role as Chief Digital Services Officer for the City and County of San Francisco was familiar territory, but differences became apparent early on. In fact, I had to fundamentally reassess things I thought I was sure of. I questioned the nature of my own reality, and found new perspectives."