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Cindy Waxer

Since its launch two years ago, the State of California’s Franchise Tax Board (FTB) Enterprise Data to Revenue (EDR) project has collected more than $128 million for the state budget, with total revenue increases of $2.8 billion projected by 2017. Created to modernize California’s tax collection system and decrease the state’s sizable tax gap, the EDR project is well on its way to generating $4.7 billion in additional revenue and is both "on schedule and on budget," according to Cathy Cleek, chief information officer for the FTB.
Nearly 31,000 households relocated to California last year, according to recent figures from moving companies Allied, United and Atlas. That’s practically a 6 percent uptick over the previous year and the highest number of newcomers via major van lines since 2008.
California may be home to countless high-tech giants but it’s also a hotbed for cybercrime. In fact, the Golden State received the highest total number of cybercrime complaints in 2011 – a whopping 34,169, according to the Internet Crime Complaint Center.