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DAJANI CONSULTING INC. provides innovative solutions using best practices, talented experts, and the latest technologies. Our team surpasses the competition in navigating the future in technology by bypassing hypes and trends to find the core of the problem and customizing solutions for our public sector partners and clients. We evolve technologies to meet the developing needs of our clients.

Dajani Consulting Inc.’s strength is our people. We have assembled a team of highly skilled, dynamic experts across technological proficiencies with expansive experience who believe in using a collaborative approach and who strive for excellence in every project.

Dajani Consulting Inc. operates out of California and serves our public sector partners and clients in Information Technology (IT), Security, Assessments of high-risk critical systems, Project Management (PMO), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Development, Business Analytics, and other transformational services.

We are a Certified Small Business/Micro Business Supplier and Dajani Consulting Inc. holds various contract vehicles.

Zaid Al-Dajani
Chief Executive Officer

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